Thursday, 26 February 2009

Mileage calculations

Looks like isn't calculating mileage for moved TBs. You can normally 'recalulate mileage' from the dropdown on the top right of your bug's page (where it says 'mark as missing'), but even this isn't working. Might be useful once it's fixed though. It's been logged on the forums - someone called Mowchak's whinging 'coz his bug's in a race. Never mind Jamie - it's already beaten Pigassou!

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Mochyn 'sprouts' wings!

She's made it to Bruxelles (that's Brussels for the languagely challenged) and into second place.

She actually went by train but Mochyn 'sprouts' wheels didn't have the same ring to it

Monday, 23 February 2009


The last bug is away, Blue Pig Racer finally made it out into the big wide world this weekend.

There were worries he was AWOL before he even started.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Yukon not keep up with Bonzo

Bonzo's Lazy Pig Racer has flown all the way to the Yukon in north west Canada (4289.7 miles) bringing his total up to 4333.3 miles and has already been picked up with a promise of a trip across an ocean !!!

Thursday, 12 February 2009

...and Mochyn is on the move!

Late to start, Mochyn is making up for it by being picked up by Petite Fleur who will be taking him on a trip next week...on Eurostar! Not sure how far they are going but that should get him a few miles. :)

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Through The Ton Barrier

Rick and Spider Pig have broken the hundred mile barrier in just two trips!

Monday, 9 February 2009

Three way action!

Well apparently we did such a good job of creating "Can U" find it that Sus Scrofa has come to visit Streaky and Mochyn! Will be interesting to see who moves on first from the cache!

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Week 3 - Some movements

The start of this week has seen a few more movements of TB's. Bonzo's Lazy Pig Racer has leaped into 1st place with a move to London. Second place is Sus Scorfa who was picked up in Greenham Common. Pinky is the 3rd TB to register a movement of just 1 mile. I sense this weekend we will see more miles logged against TB's if the weather holds well.

Status of TB's
2 have moved 43.6 miles, 1 mile respectively
1 with miles has been picked up but not moved on
11 are in the hands of someone but still yet to be placed in another cache.
4 are in caches but yet to move
1 is yet to launch (in hands of owner)

Friday, 6 February 2009

Best Song Ever


Thursday, 5 February 2009

Go Streaky! Go Mochyn!

Last night finally saw the release of Streaky and Mochyn on their travels Both were launched in our very own cache which went live last night, "Can U" find it?

Go Streaky! and go Mochyn! (but not as much go please, Streaky wants to beat you)

Tuesday, 3 February 2009


With my travel bug history I feared the worst when I was contacted to say that Wilbur, Squealer and Harry Plopper were all missing from their caches...

Thankfully Go Pack Go had forgotten to log them out...

No early bath for SixFingerBanjoBoy yet :)

Monday, 2 February 2009

Week 2 - Cold Weekend

All 19 travel bugs still in the race (no MIAs yet), there was a massive flurry of activity over the weekend of travels being picked up all over the area. Sus Scrofa is currently leading with 6.7 miles with 30 weeks to go it is early days.

Status of TB's:
1 has moved to another cache - 6.7 miles
1 has been picked up but not logged officially (possible candidate for MIA)
4 are in caches but yet to move
4 are yet to launch (in hands of owner)
9 are in the hands of someone but still yet to be placed in another cache.

First Blood...

To quote Chuck Berry...

"Go Johnny, go go go,"